Felted Heart Bouquet
Felted Heart Bouquet
Felt Heart Bouquets are the greatest anniversary or Valentine's Day gift - the everlasting love bouquet!
13 colors of 4cm hearts to choose from. Glued on your choice of a 9 inch or 14 inch stem making the total height of about 12 inches and 17 inches respectively. Great for a small to medium vase. VASE NOT INCLUDED. Many sizes of bouquets to choose from in the drop down menu and then tell me how many of each color in the "Personalization" section of this listing before placing in your cart.
Mix and match with my billy ball stems in the "Bouquets" shop section for a more varied look! Or browse all the felted shapes I offer on stems, from bees to eye balls!
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ATTENTION PLEASE: I now glue on the felted shapes to the stems to prevent the occasional falling off that was occurring during shipment when packages were not handled gently. This has never been a problem since I've taken the added effort of gluing them on :) Amy